Steep mountains will be crossed by 12 tunnels and Şırnak and Van will be connected to each other

The completion of the “Şırnak-Van Road Tunnel Project”, the construction of which started with the provision of peace and security, will contribute to the development of economy and tourism as well as comfortable and safe travelling.

Sarp dağlar 12 tünelle aşılarak Şırnak ile Van birbirine bağlanacak

The works within the scope of the project, which will play an important role in providing transport between the provinces of the region, are continuing rapidly.

The construction of the road, which the terrorist organisation PKK tried to prevent for years, has accelerated as a result of the effective fight against terrorism. In the steep mountains on the route, 12 tunnels with a total length of 15 kilometres will be opened.

The construction of the first tunnel, which is the entrance of the road within the scope of the project, continues on the Şırnak-Uludere road. The tunnel, the infrastructure of which is completed, will be 2 thousand 845 metres long.

The project is expected to be completed in 2023.

Şırnak Governor Ali Hamza Pehlivan told AA correspondent that the Şırnak-Van highway is very important for the city and the region.

Stating that 9 of the 12 tunnels to be constructed will be located within the borders of Şırnak and 3 within the borders of Siirt, Pehlivan said, “With the completion of the project, 160 kilometres will be shortened on the Şırnak-Van road and the distance will decrease to 190 kilometres. It will be a less costly journey in terms of comfort and economy.”

There will be security towers along the road

Stating that the project is also a security project, Pehlivan said that the road will pass through a point in the Bestler Dereler region where terrorist organisations have been carrying out their attacks for years and trying to take shelter in caves.

Pointing out that the road will also restrict the movement area of the terrorist organisation, Pehlivan said:

“We will regain an area such as Bestler Dereler, which has been known for terrorism for 40 years and is also suitable for animal husbandry, to our citizens. Both our citizens will be able to carry out animal husbandry and highland activities in a safer way and the Van road will become more comfortable.”

Stating that safe tower works are continuing in order to ensure the safety of the road, Pehlivan stated that thanks to the project, citizens will reach Van in a safer and more comfortable way in a few years.

It has an international character

Stating that the road also has an international character, Pehlivan said:

“It appears as a complementary element of the line connecting Northern Anatolia, which we call the North-South axis, to Eastern Anatolia and South Eastern Anatolia. These provinces will contribute to the development of trade between regions and countries. Habur Border Gate, one of the busiest border gates of Turkey, is within the border of Şırnak and has an annual average trade volume of 10 billion dollars. Habur Border Gate will be connected to Eastern Anatolia and Northern Anatolia and will be a secure line between Iran and Iraq.”

Stating that the realisation of such large-scale projects in Şırnak is a source of happiness, Pehlivan said, “I wish it to be auspicious and auspicious already. I would like to express my gratitude to our President, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure and General Directorate of Highways for their patronage and support in the realisation of the project.”

“In a way, it will connect Iraq to the Black Sea”

Şenol Uysal, one of the citizens, said that the road is very important for the development of the city and that they are pleased with the realisation of the project.

Stating that the road will add value to the city in commercial and cultural terms, Uysal said that they are following the developments regarding the project with excitement.

Pointing out that they reach Van in 6 hours on the D-300 highway, Uysal said that the shortening of the road will make an economic contribution to the city.

Shopkeeper Veysi Yetik, on the other hand, expressed that the resumption of the construction of the road gave hope to the citizens and said:

“This road will connect Iraq to the Black Sea in a way. Şırnak had many troubles in the past. We are very happy to have these investments. This road will bring us great benefits in terms of trade. Şırnak will be a country with a bright future. May Allah be pleased with those who caused these investments.”